Strelitzia nicolai

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Strelitzia nicolai

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The Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia nicolai) can grow up to 20 feet tall in Southern Africa, its native habitat. Though it will rarely reach more than 8 feet indoors, it ranks among the most popular houseplant favorites due to the remarkable size of its rich foliage.

Set your Strelitzia near a window where it will benefit from direct sun or bright indirect light. Though it is a hardy plant, it may deteriorate slowly if placed in insufficient light conditions.


Though the Bird of Paradise enjoys moist soil, only give it a drink when the first third of the pot has dried up completely. Try to avoid overwatering.

It is normal of its leaves to split, especially the more mature ones. This allows light to reach the lower section of the plant. You should also keep it away from any drafts.

When you take possession of your plant, make sure you assess its watering needs. Before you give it a drink the first time, check the soil’s moisture level to verify whether or not it is moist near the surface. It is best to aerate the soil before the initial watering since it is often compacted to avoid shifting during transit. This also allows it to breathe and release moisture.

Rotate your plant periodically in order to encourage an even growth. Cleaning the leaves regularly will stimulate proper photosynthesis. As you wipe the foliage, inspect the leaves on either side to make sure there are no pests.

* planter not included